Before we start you have to know what I am gonna talk about: Padania.
With the word Padania we refer to an imaginary place in the center-north of Italy packed with middle-class people who are unbelievable frustrated and racist (the lot of them).
They hate everything that didn't get born in the borser of this imaginary land and they'd like to hae their own country (ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!).
The direct expression of this imaginary place is a party called Lega Nord, a pseudo political party made of a bunch of losers who used the fears and ignorance of the people described above to make loads of money and gain power and now, thanks to the lot of Italy, rule us.
I will not talk about this in deep, it was just an introduction to that wonderland called Padaniabut here's a fact: those people use to meet every year in a place where they all dress in green, they talk rubbish, say some hyper racist stuff, and then drink the water of the Po river, probably the most polluted river in Europe.
Above s a memeber of the party(Mario Borhezio), which also represents us (Jesus Christ if it hurts) in the European Parliament.
Good so now why all this shit on this blog?
Well cause few days ago in Italy the Berlusconi gourvenamnt, which is completely unders control of the Lega North for its big source of votes, passed a law for which private groups of civilians and ordinary people will have the right to go around their cities to prevent crimes or help the police.
Obviously this is gonna happen ONLY in the imaginary Padania, where people where just waiting and waiting for this since years...and I'd say this is not new for them, as they were all doing this since years.
Now the point is that this is really stupid, useless and dangerous. People will be, obviously, armed, they'll have special rights(I suppose), probably licence to beat or so...thus there will be agin on our street the infamous fascist "Squadracce".
In such a place as Italy, a place where history teached what happen when you create this clima of fear, summary justice and ignorance, this last law really scares me for its parallelism with the born of Fascism and Nazism ages ago.
This time is not a joke,it is not the umpteenth crap of an amateur politic as is Berlusoni...
this is a real problem as also the Mussolini squadracce got born in a unsecure middle class society with the help of the gouvernament and the favour of people.
We all know how it ended, but few of us knows how it started!
Here's a Partisan song of the time, talking about the help between gouvernament and these "squadracce":
"Sparsa la voce per la capitale,
" Combatti proclamò: sciopero generale!
Sti quattro delinquentì co' le facce come er sego
portavano la morte e il " me ne frego ";
anche noi ce ne saressimo fregati
se il governo come a lor ci avesse armati,
Ma Roma e stata sempre bolscevica,
trionfa sempre, si, falce martello e spiga."
"Spread the news around the capitol city,
"Fight-it said-general strike!"
These few delinquents with bad faces
brang the death and the "I don't care"(fascist motto);
Also us won't have care
if the gouvernament would have give us weapons as it gave it to them,
But Rome will always be Bolscevic,
always will rise, here, hammer, sickle and spike!"
I wish my people would have read more italian history instead of watching TV...
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Un anno bellissimo [Parte I]5 anni fa
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pseudo political party made of a bunch of losers
ottima definizione!
la lega è la cosa che più odio al mondo, questa definizione in confronto alle mille che mi sono venute in mente è un complimento per loro!
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