1:24 AM


Comunicato redatto da tommygun

Four capital letters
Printed in gold
'Cause details make the girls sweat even more
while they're shaking their belt
No need to ask my name
to figure out how cool I am

(Justice - D.V.N.O.)

(left: Mr. B. let his most loyal servant to smell his "holy smell").

"Tiriamo una conclusione per nulla allegra. Berlusconi, a quanto pare, può mentire come meglio crede. Pare che abbia il diritto di farlo. In modo incondizionato. Chi dovrebbe ricordargli che c'è un limite, anche alla nostra credulità, omette di farlo. Altri si sottomettono alle sue strategie consentendogli di uscire dall'angolo imbarazzante in cui s'era cacciato da solo. È questa l'Italia di oggi? Vedete del gossip in questa storia o anche la trama fragile di una democrazia senza contrappesi?"

"So we can sadly conclude. Berlusconi, apparently, can lie as much as he wants and for his interests. It looks like is in his rights, with no conditions. Who is in charge to remember him that there's a limit in this, even in our spirit of believe, is simply not doing it. Others subdue themselves to his strategies, allowing him to get out from the tricky and embarasing corner where he put himself. Is this the Italy of our day? Do you see just gossip in this story or also the fragile plot of a democracy with no cunterbalance?"

GIUSEPPE D'AVANZO - Repubblica 4 Giugno 2009

D'Avanzo is totally correct.
Italy forgot the right to protests, to be critic, to be indignant, to be proud.
And even when other countries, on other papers, and with different words, tell us - wake up, raise up, can't you see they are destroying your country? - we simply don't listen, actually we reply quite irritate - shut the f**k up, that's our country! - and we slam the door.

We are hopeless.

And in the meanwhile the country is falling apart rotten, inside and outside.
But we still run after a dream, the "italian dream", bought from Mr. B. through is papers, villas, half naked girls on tv and football players.

And I won't be surprised if Kakà won't leave Milan after a faraonic offer.
