1:48 AM

Chist' è o paes do sole...

Comunicato redatto da tommygun

Many times, talking with my friends, I've tried to explain what's Mafia in Italy.

The first hard part is to let them understand that there's not only the Mafia...that's a big surprise for them, they can't believe that each single region has his own brand crime organization, Camorra,Ndrangheta and so on...

Then it comes how is possible that our State won't deal with it... that's also the sad part...

And finally it comes the surprise: our crimes organizations are around you! Look around you(cit.)!
Biggest firms in Europe, biggest street war in Europe, and also one of the most important reason why European Union still exists.
They won't believe this.
And the classic reaction after all this is: "And you are in Europe?!? Pff..."

So if you've any question, any doubt or whatsoever, please do you(and me) a favour,read this quite explanatory article, it could be useful...

So then you'll fucking stop to call me "... hey mafia!" every time you'll see me again...

via Vice