1:20 AM

We'll make them hate you...

Comunicato redatto da tommygun

As predicted from many, the infamous racial laws that the italian Parliament passed few days ago started to produce their first effects.

And now we can seriously start to be ashamed of our self.

So the fact is that one day (I believe yesterday), in Genova, the principal of a big school started to go in each class of his school to write on the blackboard the names of the clandestines pupils.
She asked for their documents, and she didn't find any better way than writing their names on a fucking blackboard in front of the whole class.
Clearly she said this wasn't a racial things, absolutely.
She said she wrote their names cause she didn't want to misspell the names of this "different" pupils.

The point is that now she can. She fucking can, and that is terrible, considering the amount of stupid frustrated people like this principal, which will do this stupid and dirty stuff only to get their 5 seconds of power over poor people.

While I was reading this news, it reminded me of all these dirty, rotten, infamous people that where selling or revealing Jewish people during nazism, only to get some money or a slightly better condition.

(this link will show you the web page of the "Guardia Nazionale Italiana".
This association is terrible, is now legal due to our last laws, and it's basically a "second police" made by citizens to defend "our country". I talked about this stupid and terrible association here, but please note how they'll dress).